Ending Workplace TB

Programmes & Projects Ending Workplace TB Tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s deadliest infectious disease –killing 1.5 million people in 2018, more than HIV/AIDS and malaria deaths combined. Of the 10 million new cases of TB, only 7 million were diagnosed, meaning that 3 million people with TB each year go unaccounted for. Many of these “missing millions” are in their

Zero TB

Programmes & Projects Zero TB We have partnered with local stakeholders, such as Yogyakarta City Government and Yogyakarta Provincial Health Office in a pilot programme called ZeroTB Yogyakarta in 2019, to screen adults and children boarding schools. A total of 900 screenings and 865 X-rays were completed.

World TB Day

Programmes & Projects World TB Day 2020 To commemorate World TB Day and as part of Fullerton Health’s “Ending Workplace TB” initiative launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2020, Fullerton Health Indonesia started a TB-screening program on 9-20 March 2020 for all employees based in Jakarta. This screening aimed to assist government program/initiative to end workplace TB.

Implementor Partner for MoH TB Screening

Programmes & Projects Implementor Partner for MoH TB Screening Since 2019, Fullerton Health Indonesia has been the appointed Implementor Partner by Indonesia’s Ministry of Health (MoH) for TB screening, covering a population of 150,000 people across high-risk population groups in factories, boarding schools and prisons. President Joko Widodo launched the Ministry of Health’s event “Gerakan Bersama Menuju Eliminasi TBC 2030”

Tantang TB Project (Indonesia)

Programmes & Projects Tantang TB Project (Indonesia) The project was developed in support of The Global Fund and the Indonesian government’s goal to eliminate tuberculosis by 2030. In 2018, Fullerton Health Foundation partnered with The Global Fund to successfully pilot the Tantang Tuberculosis Project, with the goal of increasing detection of tuberculosis in Indonesia. Through the use of mobile screening


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