Mastercard® 套餐
Mastercard ®持卡人在香港可享健康檢查套餐20%折扣

請聯絡富樂醫療 +852 2869 8901/ 2869 8905 預約您的行政健康檢查。請告知我們的工作人員您將使用萬事達卡促銷活動。選擇健康檢查套餐後,請提供您的姓名、聯絡資訊以及首選日期和時間。
如果您感到不適或無法遵守指定的預約日期和時間,您需要至少提前 24 小時通知我們的診所協助人員。
請在預定預約登記前至少 5 分鐘到達。如果您預約遲到,富樂醫療保留將您的預訂釋放給其他客戶的權利,恕不另行通知。
Provided by HMMP, a Fullerton Health company
Payment must be made using Mastercard to enjoy the packages. Not to be used in conjunction with any other corporate rate, promotion or offer. Terms & Conditions apply.
For appointments and enquiries, please contact HMMP at +852 2158 2680 or call the respective clinics for an appointment.
All details on this website are subject to change without notice.
– Kindly fill up the checkup enrollment form and send to HMMP, or by fax (2865 6782).
– After receiving the enrollment form and payment, HMMP will contact the member for making an appointment.
– Kindly present passport at clinic for verification.
– Once the report is ready, the medical staff will call for a follow-up with the doctor’s report and consultation.